Monday, July 13, 2009

35. One World Government and the Pope

Updated and revised on July 18, 2009 4:55 p.m. CDT

I'm hopping into the middle of something we have not yet discussed on my posts, although if you read the Future History outlines, (long outline or short outline) you can see the One World Government is coming in the future.

In addition, I tend not to be a Pope-basher or Catholic-basher, since both Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II are appreciated in protestant circles for their strong stands on morality, on right-to-life, against radical Islam, and for the reliability of the Bible. But here (strangely) Pope Benedict (whom I doubt very much is the Antichrist, nor any Pope!) comes down on the wrong side.

Here's the link to this news item on another end times website. Thanks to David Rozzell for linking me to it on twitter. If you're on twitter, you might follow David at: bearmycross714

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