Tuesday, April 6, 2010

96. Regular Review of the Film "2012"

In fairness, I'm going to give the movie "2012" first a regular review, and then a biblical review. (Biblical review still to come, as of Jan 4, 2011)


In one word, "Exciting!". I spent a lot of time on the edge of my seat, hoping that our 'heroes' would somehow make it out alive (I avoided reviews, so I had no idea how it would turn out). The edge of my seat was my computer chair, watching it on my Dell in peace and quiet.

In two words, "Special Effects". As the credits rolled (and rolled and rolled for 6 minutes), I noticed that there were at least eight special effects and graphics companies used, and I said to myself, "no wonder the special effects were so spectacular, and so real (with very few exceptions)". I might watch it again on the big TV where I can do slow-motion and freeze frames, just to analyze the special FX.

In three words, "Better than expected". I knew the general idea of the plot, but I had particularly stayed away from reviews that revealed the ending. Now, looking back, the reviews were not very good. For example, on IMDb the Internet Movie Database, 64,000 viewers voted, and gave it a 6 .0 out of 10.0. I think some people (many?) downgraded the movie based on expectations --they expected a 6.0 and gave it exactly that. The Rotten Tomatoes site was not even that kind. The professional reviewers surveyed gave it a 40 out of 100. Oh, well, to me it was maybe an 8.0 out of 10.0. (Okay, maybe just a 7.5 due to the 'cheese' factor)

In four words, "Hokey, corny, cheesy, predictable". These four words, in general, are the essence of the reviewer's comments. Maybe I was so blown-away by the special effects, I didn't notice the Foul Four descriptions. Well, yes, from time to time I did notice them. But there was one thing that should have been predictable that I missed, and therefore which made the last 20 minutes especially entertaining to me. Am I telling? No, since maybe someone hasn't seen the movie that still wants to. (Now out on DVD)

In five words, "Next Post: the Biblical Review"
What about the Mayan calendar? Was the film too 'new-age'? How does Christianity fit in? Are the 2012 end-time portrayals similar or at variance from generally accepted biblical views? Will it convince and lead people away from the Christian position? Or TO more accurate information? Posted soon.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

95. Q - How near is the return of Christ?

A friend asked me the subject question, but in the context of the nearness of the year -- wondering if it might be in 2011 or 2012? I suspect her question was prompted by all the seemingly negative things going on currently upon the earth. Also, the short discussion we had indicated she was really asking about the nearness of the rapture, where Jesus Christ comes from heaven to take his church (true believers) to heaven before the Tribulation, a period of catastrophe and chaos upon the Earth.

I have addressed the subject of when Christ will return many times before, and I particularly recommend you read this Post#42 before you continue here.

Presuming you have now read the earlier post, first, a word about date setting. Post #42 teaches us that no one can know the day and hour of His coming. Yet in the same context we are told to watch, so that we will not be surprised by His coming. That we should pay attention to the signs and warnings going on around us, that we should be better prepared for that day and hour. And to do that, we gain help by understanding the times and the seasons.

In 1988, Edgar Whisenant, a writer/researcher published a book called "88 Reasons why the Rapture will be in 1988". Here is the link to the Wikipedia entry, which is worth reading.
By almost all accounts, Edgar Whisenant was a honest man, a man greatly desiring for the Lord to come, a student of the Bible -- yet where did he go wrong (besides in trying to set a date)?

One of his primary calculations occurred thus: Israel became a nation on May 13-14th, 1948. The Bible says that a generation will not pass away until all these things (the catastrophic things around His coming) are accomplished. The Bible generally speaks of a generation as being about 40 years, thus 1948 + 40 = 1988. This was one of his 88 reasons, but a major one!!

While I do not hold entirely to this following analyzation, I put it here as a matter of record as to an illustration of the latest thinking:

Many evangelical scholars, pastors, and teachers, think the first part of his argument may be correct, that the prophetic clock started ticking again in 1948. The wrong part was thinking that "a generation" was 40 years long. Instead, it may be 70 years long, the "3 score and 10" (three twenties & ten) that the Bible mentions as a reasonable, normal life of a person.

If you add the 70 years to the 1948, you get 2018. There are a few bible prophecy teachers that teach 2018 as a possible date of the Lord's return. But is this the date of the Rapture, or of the date of the ending of the tribulation where the Lord will come back in splendor and glory? If the latter, then the rapture would be 7 years earlier, in 2011.

There is a great danger to date setting, for (almost) all dates come and go without the predicted events occuring. But, there IS a date, a day and a hour, known only to God where the Lord will come for his church. We are to get ready, and to be ready and watchful! Perhaps it will be soon! Even so, come Lord Jesus.

94. Sorry, still getting organized

Retirement: A time to catch up on all the things needed at home.

Yes, that definition seems to be true. Plus, it's Income Tax time, and ours is more difficult than usual. So, without belaboring the issue, I'm still not yet blogging full time.

But soon I will be, and I hope even before that time to post some things and thoughts off and on.

With all the things that are going on in the world and in our nation, it is not time to let our guard down. Do you have a copy of the Declaration of Independence and of the U.S. Constitution? Now would be a good time to read them again if you are unsure about what they say. The U.S. Constitution will become particularly important in the months ahead. If you have an Amazon Kindle, you can download the two documents together for $1.00. I just did.

I started blogging almost exactly 9 months ago, and I know this for certain: The "Things that are coming upon the world" are 9 months nearer than when I began blogging.

If they were 20 years away, they are now only 19 years and 3 months away. If they were 5 years away, they are now only 4 years and 3 months away. And if they were just 18 months away back when I started, they are only 9 months away now. Jesus said, "Be Watchful" and "Be Ready", for "you do not know when the Lord will return".

And next: a friend's question about the nearness of the Lord's return.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

93. Link to article in The End Time blog

Elizabeth Prata has a great article on her blogsite about the many instances of weird weather. I recommend it highly:
Click here to read it.
You might consider adding Elizabeth's The End Time blog to your favorites -- it's one of mine...


Friday, March 5, 2010

92. Near-Earth Flybys of Asteroids, Meteorites

As an university Astronomy major in my pre-Christ days, I've continued my interest during my 38 years as a believer. And thanks to the miracles of modern telescopy, more and more we hear about potential "close encounters of the cataclysmic kind", celestial objects nearly colliding with Earth. In truth, most of these objects pass by far outside the orbit of the moon, which is on average about 240,000 miles away from earth -- but a few pass inside the moon's orbit.

There are many and varied attempts to find and catalogue these near-earth objects, most amateur and some professional. By saying 'amateur', I mean it not in any negative way, but only in the unpaid way, for it is true that as many as 90% of these potentially hazardous objects were initially found and catalogued by unpaid amateurs using such instruments as backyard telescopes, visual and radio, large and small.

The most notable professional group is NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory's own "Asteroid Watch" initiative, which can be seen at this site: Click here for NASA. I also have them as a twitter favorite, at click for twitterlink.

What does all this have to do with the end-times, you ask?
At the very least, it may have to do with these words of Jesus specifically about the end-times: "There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven." (Lk 21:11), which may or may not include such physical encounters.

But did you know that the book of Revelation specifically mentions two events that can easily be interpreted as celestial objects striking the earth? I would add parenthetically that not even NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory has any way of stopping such visitors from the cosmos.

The first of the two events takes place during the tribulation, sometime after the 3 1/2 year midpoint: "8 The second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea turned into blood, 9 a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed." Rev 8:8-9.

The second takes place soon after the first, or at least as the next event after it on the prophetic calendar: "10 The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water— 11 the name of the star is Wormwood (which means Bitterness). A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter." Rev 8:10-11

It could be that these verses do not describe asteroids or meteorites crashing into the Earth at all, but some unique catastrophic destruction sent especially as a further warning to rebellious unbelieving mankind before God brings down the curtain upon this world as it exists today.

Think on these things, but even more think about another occurance out of heaven:
Matt 24:26 “Therefore if they say to you, ‘Look, He is in the desert!’ do not go out; or ‘Look, He is in the inner rooms!’ do not believe it. 27 For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.
and also,

1 Thessalonians 4:13 "But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep(that is, have died), lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep (that is, die) in Jesus.

15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words.."

He will be coming in great glory and splendor, a display for all the world to see and marvel -- some to eternal blessedness and some to eternal darkness.

91. A political comment -- and a promise

First, the promise: This blog is NOT going to turn into a political blog, and is absolutely going to remain an end-times, last-days blog for the purpose of education, instruction, preparation, and warning.

However, I posted this comment today on a friend's blog, and thought it worth repeating here. This friend is a co-laborer in both the political and spiritual arenas.

Posting this here preserves and demonstrates my commitment to "not be so heavenly-minded that I am no earthly good." I thought that this relates much to "Future History", and I welcome your comments.

Sadly, in these days of issues-oriented voting (as opposed to values-oriented voting), there is no perfect candidate. This would include Scott Brown, at first glance a nearly perfect candidate, but with a closer look a very imperfect candidate (except for his perfect jaw-line).

For that reason, due to my commitment to 'values-oriented' voting, I will almost always vote for the better of the candidates, a defensive measure that may "improve" that individual office considerably.

Explaining more fully, if the only option I have is to replace a congressman who votes 1 time out of 10 for my values with a congressman who will vote 5 out of 10 times for my values, I consider that a vote and time well-spent, and I will have improved that office five-fold. And hopefully next time I can replace that person with someone who will vote 9 (or 10!) out of 10 times for my values-oriented positions (which I continually work to align with biblical values).

Always "improve the office" if we can. Never allow a stinker to stay if we have any other option. Besides, if we demand only 'perfect' candidates, it will keep many people with good values from running for office. We need to encourage imperfect people (like ourselves) to bring their values to Washington to better the common good.

This must not be taken as an approval of moderate views, but rather an acceptance of the principle that certain tasks and goals may be handled incrementally, as God indicates in Exodus 23:29-30: "29 I will not drive them out from before you in one year, lest the land become desolate and the beasts of the field become too numerous for you. 30 But little by little I will drive them out from before you, until you have increased, and you inherit the land."

I welcome your comments!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

90. A Tale of Two Earthquakes

I could not let today's 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Chile to go unmentioned, especially since it comes so soon after the 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Haiti (the 2nd deadliest one in known history). So, this is officially my first post-sabbatical blogpost.

I have posted three previous times on the subject of earthquakes, which is certainly reasonable and proper to do so, since the focus of this "Future History" blog involves end-time events as mentioned in the Bible, and how current events relate to Biblical prophecies.

Before I comment further here, I'd like to direct your attention to those three previous posts where earthquakes were the major topic. (The word earthquake appears in many other posts however):

Post 31. "Earthquakes and the End Times", where the text of all the Bible prophetic passages about earthquakes are listed, plus a comment about current earthquakes in California. Posted July 10, 2009. Click here to read.

Post 32. "And Another Medium Quake in Calif today", where we discuss the Richter Scale, how it works, and the rating of famous (or infamous) earthquakes. Posted July 11, 2009. Click here to read.

Post 76. "Earthquakes: Are they getting your attention?", where I discuss whether quakes are really more prevalent. Posted October 1, 2009. Click here to read.

Since the contents of the above posts relate closely to the two recent earthquake events, please read them and then continue:

First, before we tackle and compare the human misery element of the two earthquakes, lets discuss the relative strength of the two earthquakes:

How much stronger was the 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Chile than the 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Haiti? Lets see: If we divide the smaller 7.0 into the larger 8.8, we get 1.257 -- which means that the Chilean earthquake was 1.257 times stronger than the Haitian quake. Right?

Totally and utterly wrong!! Remember what we said in post #32, that to go up "1.0" on the Richter Scale (like from 5.0 up to 6.0, or from 7.5 up to 8.5), means that the "stronger" hurricane is ten (10) times stronger than the "weaker" hurricane. So the Chilean hurricane is AT LEAST 10 times stronger than the Haitian one, and almost 100 times as strong. But thanks to the miracle of Excel Spreadsheets, we can calculate the exact difference. To go from 7.0 up to 8.8 means the Chile hurricane was 63.1 times as strong as the Haiti earthquake. Trust me and Excel. (I'll post the calculations in a comment below. )

Now regarding human suffering, there are at least two mitigating circumstances as to why, when the Haiti quake killed 250,000 people, that the Chile quake did not kill millions.

First, today's Chile quake was much further underground, and the effect was blunted by the time it reached the surface.

Second, Chile had experienced an even larger earthquake on May 22nd, 1960 -- 9.5 magnitude, 1655 killed, and two million homeless. After that 1960 quake they prepared for "the next big one", with much stricter building codes and standards. As bad as things look now on television, it will turn out that years of Chilean preparation saved their country from a similar ruin in 2010.

I have not much more to add here, but just to note that the second decade of the 2000's is just barely starting, and already we have two massive earthquakes, one as measured by loss of life, and one as measured by the Richter Scale strength of the quake.

Finally, as I pointed out in an earlier post, back in July of 2009, California was averaging about 500 quakes a week of all sizes (most 3.0 magnitude or less). But now, just 6 months later, California is averaging nearly 750 quakes a week of all sizes. Here is the link to the current report: Click here.

My guess is that this will not be the last posting in 2010 on major earthquakes.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

89. Coming into view: The End of my Sabbatical

Hello, everyone. It will be helpful for you to read (or reread) post #85 before beginning this post. Click here.

About the same time I posted #85 about my sabbatical, I also gave my notice of retirement to my employer, such retirement planned for the end of February. And so, with great joy, as of today Feb 16th, I have only 7 more days at work, two this week and five next week!

O joy, O praise, Hallelujah! Hurray, o joyous day! But I digress.

It is not all joy, for I have worked with wonderful people with whom I've had a great relationship for almost 8 years! I will miss them -- but I'll come back and visit from time to time.

And what's more, perhaps I'll meet them HERE, when some of them comment. That'll be nice.

But on the first of March, I still won't be up to full speed here (my normal speed: a post every day or two), but maybe by mid-March !!

I hope I'll see you back soon, and we'll take up where we left off.

Give me a shout-out (also called a comment) on this post if you're reading this.

Blessings to you,

Friday, January 15, 2010

88. Revisit Post # 87 - Still Relevant !!

Note: Scott Brown INDEED won the Massachusetts Senate seat!

The post below this one, Post #87, is dated December 7th, 2009 -- but it is not "so last decade".

Everything I said in it applies today (if not more so), and I'm going to contact the same Senators again, just to make sure they get the message. However, it is not now the Senate version of the bill we are hoping to defeat, but the combined House/Senate bill which will be voted on first by the House, and then by the Senate.

Let's not depend on the possibility (or even the actuality) of Scott Brown winning the Massachusetts Senate seat formerly occupied by Ted Kennedy. Let's not try for 41 votes against Obamacare, but 43 or 44 votes against it. Note that 41 votes against it would imply 59 for it, which would not be the supermajority the Dem's need for a filibuster-proof bill -- and therefore would open the door for endless filibustering by the Republicans (a good thing! in this case...) and would for all practical purposes, be the death of this deeply flawed healthcare bill.

Those of us not living in Massachusetts need to pray first, that Scott Brown would win; second, that if he wins, that the powers that be will seat him promptly; and third, that no nut-case person will assassinate him on the way to the Senate.
