Saturday, July 4, 2009

27. Initial Future History Events ver 1.0

Version 1.0 of the Future History event list will be updated further as continued study goes on.
Revised, Enlarged on Sunday, July 5th 10:21

As for now, here is a short and simplified list of the future events anticipated and prophesied in the Bible, with possible related news headlines.

1. The Great Disappearance; Chaos occurs in many parts of the world
. . . Media News: "Hundreds of Millions Disappear; Theories Abound"
. . . Christian News: "Rapture of the Church occurs, world disbelieves"

2. Russian-lead multi-national attack on Israel; anti-Israeli coalition destroyed.
. . . Media News: "Massive Attack on Israel Mysteriously Fails.
Smoke seen around the world"
. . . Christian News: "Ezekiel 38-39 war takes place, God routs the nations"

3. Emerging world leader proposes solution to end war and bring peace to Middle-East.
. . . Media News: "Grand Unifier takes control, promises peace."
. . . Christian News: "Grand Unifier believed to be the Antichrist."

4. World Leader brokers peace for Israel for seven years.
. . . Media News: "Pax Israeli signed by all parties! It is PEACE FOR ISRAEL in our time!"
. . . Christian News: "Grand Unifier shown to be Antichrist,
prepare for chaos and tribulation."

5. Cataclysmic events happen upon the earth, chaos and devastation break out again.
. . . Media News: "Wars, Famines, and Earthquakes ravage the globe. Fatalities uncountable."
. . . Christian News: "The four horsemen of the Apocalypse gallop out. World trembles."

6. Jewish temple being rebuilt in the midst of temple mount.
. . . Media News: "Jews proceed with temple plans heedless of Mid-East catastrophes"
. . . Christian news: "Some Christians warn Jews about building the temple."

7. Jewish temple opens 2 years after peace pact. Jews rejoice!
. . . Media News: "All things ready, says High Priest, for God's plan to begin again."
. . . Christian news: "Miraculous provision of safety during temple construction"

8. World Leader enters, pollutes, closes down temple due to Jewish intolerance.
. . . Media News: "Jews refuse to join OneWorldFaith, temple ordered leveled by Deity-on-earth"
. . . Christian news: "Jews betrayed by Antichrist, three and a half years after pact"

9. Terrible persecution begins for Christian believers due to position against OneWorldFaith.
. . . Media News: "OneWorldFaith leader orders Christians jailed and tried for sedition and treason"
. . . Christian news: "Consign Mystery Babylon to the abyss, cry jailed Christians"

10. Meteors strike Earth; Demonic hell released upon the world; Nature in chaos.
. . . Media News: "The Deity-on-earth has no answer for cataclysmic natural disasters, demon-like creatures"
. . . Christian news: "Billions die under the righteous judgment of God; Babylon and Antichrist stagger but remain powerful"

11. Allies of World Leader prepare for war against Israel; Giant army marches west from Orient. Middle-East armies gather near newly-devastated Babylon.
. . . Media News: "World War III nears? Deity-on-earth headquarters destroyed; OneWorldFaith base demolished, likewise Economic Centre area"
. . . Christian news: "Babylon the Great is fallen, thrice; Antichrist rallies the Army of the West, militaries of the East, South, and North seem possessed."

12. ARMAGGEDON! Four armies converge, battle each other on 7th anniversary of peace pact.
. . . Media News: "Bloodbath in Northern Israel extends for miles. Israel not yet eradicated."
. . . Christian News: "As prophesied, Armaggedon runs with blood. Second coming must be near"

13. Jerusalem falls, Armies of heaven appear; Remainder of world armies unite.
. . . Media News: "Armies thrown into chaos by supposed 'return of Jesus and saints'. Leaders disappear.
. . . Christian News: "CHRIST RETURNS!!! Jews delivered, Antichrist and false prophet thrown into lake of fire"

14. Jesus Christ sets up his Kingdom; Satan is bound; martyred believers are raised.
. . . Media News: "Repair and reconstruction begin as Christ takes control; discontent begins almost immediately"
. . . Christian News: "Recovery directed by the Lord Jesus and the saints. Satan is bound, thrown into the pit, which is shut and sealed"

Construction has begun again...


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