Wednesday, June 24, 2009

17. Are "the end times" different than "the last days"?

This came as a question within a comment. I thought it deserved to be a full post.

Yes, different in the sense that "the last days" is infrequently used to refer to the time beginning when Christ rose from the dead (Heb 1:1-2) through the second coming of Christ. More often, however, "the last days" is used to mean a similar period as "the end times". In this sense, both of them mean the short period preceding and including the second coming of Christ, which is taken in some circles to be a period of 7 years or somewhat longer.


  1. Here's an attempt at dabbling in future history: a free e-book Walkabout: The History of a Brief Century. Enjoy!

  2. Thanks for the book recommend. I just added it to my Kindle, and may discuss it from time to time. Good to have you on the site.
