Monday, June 22, 2009

15. Christian Soldiers? Growing Controversy

Friend Anthony sends this link to a Newsweek article about the growing controversy over military chaplains using the armed forces to spread the Word. The days for this sort of evangelism may be numbered.


  1. Hi Larry,

    Would you comment on Rev. 7:3,,,who are the bond-servants? Please put in context regarding the whole chapter.



  2. Right now I'm trying to post on a Prophecy 101 level, and E. asks me a question about Prophecy 401. This question deserves an extended answer, and I can see it being more comprehensively answered around my post #215.

    But here is the short answer: you've picked a issue that is not agreed on by those with differing viewpoints about prophecy issues, nor even within a single group such as premillenialism.

    One debate is whether the 'bond-servants sealed' in Rev 7:3 are a literal group of 144,000 special Jewish witnesses, or whether this should be taken more symbolically (not 144,000, and/or not Jewish). By post #215 I may be ready to make a statement both about the number and the group makeup.

    Before then, however, I will be posting about literal versus symbolic interpretation of Biblical events and personages.
