Wednesday, August 5, 2009

50. Q: Where have I been? A: A Special Project.

Hi, again.
I've been involved in a special project for the last 10 days or so, that's why there is only a few (two?) blogposts during that time. Wife and I finally sold a property we'd been trying to sell for over a year, and have been taking care of all the odds and ends about the property itself and the sale. There are so many documents of various kinds around our computer, I wanted to clear out both the desk area and my mind before I began again here.

I owe you readers Part Two about the timing of the rapture, as to whether it is before the tribulation, in the middle somewhere, or after the tribulation. Good people, spiritual people, knowledgeable people, have lined up with different positions about this issue. We addressed the rapture in Post #49 right below here, and post #51 will complete our current Prophecy 101 level overview, which (if all goes well) I should post by tomorrow night (8/6). Then we'll be off and running again on a regular basis.

God's richest blessings to you as we await his coming,
Perhaps today,


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