Friday, January 15, 2010

88. Revisit Post # 87 - Still Relevant !!

Note: Scott Brown INDEED won the Massachusetts Senate seat!

The post below this one, Post #87, is dated December 7th, 2009 -- but it is not "so last decade".

Everything I said in it applies today (if not more so), and I'm going to contact the same Senators again, just to make sure they get the message. However, it is not now the Senate version of the bill we are hoping to defeat, but the combined House/Senate bill which will be voted on first by the House, and then by the Senate.

Let's not depend on the possibility (or even the actuality) of Scott Brown winning the Massachusetts Senate seat formerly occupied by Ted Kennedy. Let's not try for 41 votes against Obamacare, but 43 or 44 votes against it. Note that 41 votes against it would imply 59 for it, which would not be the supermajority the Dem's need for a filibuster-proof bill -- and therefore would open the door for endless filibustering by the Republicans (a good thing! in this case...) and would for all practical purposes, be the death of this deeply flawed healthcare bill.

Those of us not living in Massachusetts need to pray first, that Scott Brown would win; second, that if he wins, that the powers that be will seat him promptly; and third, that no nut-case person will assassinate him on the way to the Senate.
